
  • 5 Of The Best End Credits Scenes Of All Time

    5 Of The Best End Credits Scenes Of All Time

    Video: I don’t like post-credits scenes. They’re almost always underwhelming and are often made only to please a tiny sliver of people who are smugly in the know. Sometimes they even remove you from the feeling of the movie you just watched. End credits, though? Those can be pretty damn awesome because you don’t have…

  • The 7 Scariest Movie Scenes Of All Time

    The 7 Scariest Movie Scenes Of All Time

    What movie scene scared you the most when you first watched it? Was it something embarrassing? Or is it something you’re still scared of, and if you see anything resembling it in real life, you completely freak out?

  • 5 Beyond Brilliant Action Scenes In Movies

    5 Beyond Brilliant Action Scenes In Movies

    Video: Action movies are fun to watch but there’s a smart way to do action scenes and an epically dumb way to do it. The smart way focuses in on the details, tells a story within a story and makes sure we know just what the hell is going on amidst all the crazy. The…