
  • All the New Android Features Google Just Announced

    All the New Android Features Google Just Announced

    It’s time for an Android feature drop: Google just announced a bunch of new features in a press release, as well as in an accompanying blog post. The new options span Android phones, tablets, and even wearables, running the gamut from Nearby Share for Windows to Spotify on your wrist, to new emoji kitchen options.…

  • Want to Feel Old? the Emoticon Is 40 :-)

    Want to Feel Old? the Emoticon Is 40 🙂

    Emotion is something that is incredibly difficult to get across in a digital format. Aside from ending your texts with “lol” to appear less threatening, or ending a tweet with “/s” to indicate sarcasm, your only real choice in getting the intended meaning of your message across is the emoticon. Today, we know them as…