Slate’s ‘Dumbest Inventions Ever’ List Includes A Baby Cage

Ladies and gentlemen, these are our ancestor’s infomercial products. Judge them lightly, but laugh heartily, for in 50 years’ time our great grandkids will laugh openly at our most-loved TV-bought gadgets.

Most deadly? Probably the “baby cage” (shown above), which promises to give your tiny tot a breath of fresh air while neglecting to mention the part about a deadly fall 12 floors down. The curved machine gun is another contender.

Most legitimate? Definitely the shower hood. It helped women protect their makeup in the shower, thus saving time if they were in a rush. Sadly for whoever invented it the device never caught on.

Image: Reg Speller/Getty Images

The Baby Cage, Curved Gun and Other Dumb Inventions [Slate]