
  • Yes, Spotify’s Search Function is Down Right Now

    Yes, Spotify’s Search Function is Down Right Now

    If you’ve tried, like me, to search for music on Spotify tonight and have been left with a search error, you aren’t alone. The music streaming app’s search function is, in fact, down. Spotify users have been reporting that the search function is down and only allowing users to see playlists but not the artist…

  • Now Drones Can Safely Land On Steep Roofs

    Now Drones Can Safely Land On Steep Roofs

    Although most consumer-oriented drones are able to land themselves, their automated landing systems require a flat landing site, minimal winds, and low speeds to safely touch down. That’s not always available, so researchers have developed a new landing system that allows drones to land in rougher conditions, even on surfaces sloped as steep as 60-degrees.