
  • I Toned My Weak Vagina With This Little Blue Blob

    I Toned My Weak Vagina With This Little Blue Blob

    The thought was delivered just after my newborn’s placenta: A sneaking suspicion that things were not quite the same down there, and they might never be again. I was reminded of the kGoal, a device that claimed it could tone my ladyparts back into pre-baby shape. Once my daughter had finished using my vagina as…

  • Watch Guys Do Push-Ups On The Surface Of The Water

    Watch Guys Do Push-Ups On The Surface Of The Water

    We don’t run fast enough to walk on water, but aeroplanes and boats can whip us along at speeds so fast that we can ski barefoot and even do fun workout tricks like push ups without sinking. Yeah. After seeing these guys do push ups on the surface of the water, walking on water is…