war for the planet of the apes

  • Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Is a Blast to the Future

    Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Is a Blast to the Future

    20th Century Fox’s Planet of the Apes reboot films re-introduced the world to the dystopian sci-fi series. Led by Andy Serkis as the first hyperintelligent ape Caesar, the trilogy ended with such a finality you don’t usually get with franchises, and ensured that if more films did happen, they’d have to jump forward in time…

  • All 9 Planet Of The Apes Movies, Ranked

    All 9 Planet Of The Apes Movies, Ranked

    The ongoing pandemic has taught us a lot about how selfish and greedy humans can really be. One might even start to wonder…maybe it’s time to give another species their shot? With a new Planet of the Apes movie in the works, we decided to rank all the entries in the iconic sci-fi series so…