vaccine preventable diseases

  • Covid-19 Paralysed a Teen Girl’s Vocal Cords, Doctors Say

    Covid-19 Paralysed a Teen Girl’s Vocal Cords, Doctors Say

    We’re still discovering new ways COVID-19 can harm us, some four years after the emergence of this complicated viral disease. In a recent report, doctors in Massachusetts describe a teen girl whose vocal cords became paralysed soon after a bout of COVID-19. The girl required a tracheostomy in place for more than a year to…

  • Kids in the U.S. and Europe Are Coming Down With Mysterious Liver Damage

    Kids in the U.S. and Europe Are Coming Down With Mysterious Liver Damage

    A string of severe hepatitis cases in children has doctors across both sides of the pond spooked. Dozens of children in the UK and Europe, as well as some in the U.S., have come down with symptoms of hepatitis not currently explained by known causes. Theories for the outbreak include the resurgence of an existing…