
  • Toyota’s Future ‘Manual’ EVs Could Stall If You Mess Up

    Toyota’s Future ‘Manual’ EVs Could Stall If You Mess Up

    As it happens, not everyone emerges from the womb knowing how to drive a manual transmission, which, in most regular cars, involves pressing a clutch pedal and shifting the car into gear and then, as delicately as one can manage, easing up on the clutch quick but not too quick and giving the car a…

  • A Girl Likely Caught Gonorrhea From Swimming in a Hot Spring, Doctors Say

    A Girl Likely Caught Gonorrhea From Swimming in a Hot Spring, Doctors Say

    Doctors say they’ve documented an unusual case of gonorrhea in an 11-year-girl from Austria, one with no evidence of sexual transmission. As near as they can tell, the girl caught it from swimming in a communal hot spring while vacationing in Italy. Thankfully, the infection was successfully treated with antibiotics once discovered.