the matrix revolutions

  • Carrie-Anne Moss’s 10 Most Memorable Genre Performances (So Far)

    Carrie-Anne Moss’s 10 Most Memorable Genre Performances (So Far)

    The first association most fans have with Carrie-Anne Moss is the black-clad badass Trinity in The Matrix—and that makes sense. The sci-fi thriller, which was released 25 years ago this weekend, brought Moss widespread acclaim, and the movie became an instant classic. With The Acolyte, which will see Moss use her action-hero skills to play…

  • The Matrix Revolutions Kind of Made Me Less Excited for Resurrections

    The Matrix Revolutions Kind of Made Me Less Excited for Resurrections

    Rewatching The Matrix Revolutions, the reasons why it’s regarded so poorly are crystal clear. The story is disjointed, characters don’t particularly change, the action scenes feel either completely unnecessary or way too long, and the ending is terrible. Coming after the all-but-perfect original film and flawed but forgivable sequel, Revolutions is a huge letdown. It…