
  • Scomo’s Post Responding to China Has Been Removed From WeChat

    Scomo’s Post Responding to China Has Been Removed From WeChat

    In the escalating social media battle between Australia and China, an attempt from Scomo to reach out to the users of WeChat has been hamstrung. On Wednesday night, users noticed that a post from Australian prime minister Scott Morrison’s account on the Chinese social media platform WeChat had been removed. 【突发】澳大利亚总理莫里森的官方微信账号昨天发布的关于“澳大利亚士兵虚假图片”的文章被微信删除,称该内容“涉及使用煽动、误导、违背客观事实的文字、图片、视频等,捏造社会热点、歪曲历史事件、混淆公众视听”。 — ABC中文 (@ABCChinese)…

  • The Internet Reacts To #ScoMo

    The Internet Reacts To #ScoMo

    After days of turmoil, uncertainty and potato jokes we have a new Prime Minister-elect — Scott Morrison. We’re not quite sure how we got here, but okay. So how are people online feeling about our the new leader, who based off historical evidence is bound to stay in power for at least a couple of…