
  • Aussies Are Way Too Freaked Out About Spying Says Spy Watchdog

    It might seem oddly self-serving that the head of Australia’s intelligence watchdog wants to assure Australians that we’re not all being spied upon as much as we think, but that was the message from Dr Vivienne Thom, the overseer of Australia’s intelligence community. According to the good Dr, Australians aren’t being spied upon nearly as…

  • Australian Government Knew About PRISM ‘Months Before’ Snowden Leaks

    When the PRISM surveillance story broke, Aussies sat on the bottom of the world twiddling our collective thumbs wondering ‘that couldn’t happen to us, right?’. Wrong. Turns out the Australian Government knew exactly what PRISM was months before the story broke. The worst part? The government still thinks the “effects on Australians” are too sensitive…

  • The Spy Who Hired Me: ASIO Is Hiring Telco Interception Spooks

    When the news broke that the NSA was spying on the planet with its PRISM program, people around the world were horrified that the veil of privacy was in fact as transparent as ever. However, I’d wager a limited few said to themselves ‘sweet, how can I get involved?’. Wonder no longer wannabe-spooks: Australia’s intelligence…