pluto flyby

  • This Is The Best Look At Pluto’s Surface We’re Going To Get

    This Is The Best Look At Pluto’s Surface We’re Going To Get

    New Horizons may be millions of kilometres beyond Pluto in the Kuiper Belt right now, but that hasn’t stopped the spacecraft from continuing to beam back glorious imagery of its encounter with our solar system’s weirdest little ice world. A new NASA video reveals the most detailed images of Pluto’s surface yet — and they’re…

  • Pluto’s Tiny Moons Are Coming Into Colourful Focus

    Pluto’s Tiny Moons Are Coming Into Colourful Focus

    Last week, Nix and Hydra transformed before our eyes from specks of light to bonafide moons. Today, NASA released a new set of images, bringing Pluto’s oblong satellites into even better focus. The latest astonishing finds? Nix has a rosy glow and Hydra has craters.