
  • Why You Should Always Put Your Oxygen Mask On First

    Why You Should Always Put Your Oxygen Mask On First

    Video: “I don’t want to die.” That’s what Destin from Smarter Every Day says as his oxygen level drops dangerously low and yet he’s completely unable to put his oxygen mask back on to save himself because his brain isn’t functioning properly.

  • Why North America Looks The Way It Does

    Why North America Looks The Way It Does

    Video: North America is a beautiful continent that’s home to the Rockies, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone and many more natural wonders. How did that happen? How did North America get its shape? The answer is that it took millions and millions of years. Over the history of Earth, tectonic plates have smashed into each…

  • This Is What A Sonogram Of A Pregnant Shark Looks Like

    This Is What A Sonogram Of A Pregnant Shark Looks Like

    You’re looking at the first-ever sonogram of a pregnant tiger shark. The baby sharks inside the mother shark’s belly have been highlighted in the footage below so you can see them more easily. But even without the added outline and colour, you can very clearly see the sharks’ heads and their very frightening rows of…