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  • How To Reset Your Web Browser And Start Again From Scratch

    How To Reset Your Web Browser And Start Again From Scratch

    Resetting something—your router, your phone, your bad morning habits—is often an effective and relatively painless way of fixing a problem. The same trick works on web browsers, too. The apps we spend most of our computing time in tend to accumulate all kinds of cruft over time, and clearing that away can solve all manner…

  • How To Reset All Of Your Browsers Back To Square One

    How To Reset All Of Your Browsers Back To Square One

    Like an operating system reinstall, resetting your web browser can fix all kinds of problems and improve performance at the same time—squash annoying bugs, clear out dodgy and outdated extensions and get a browser that’s good as new with a hard reset. Here’s how to carry it out on all the major browsers.

  • How To Mute Specific Sites In Your Browser

    How To Mute Specific Sites In Your Browser

    Having to close a tab with audio blaring from an auto-play ad is one of the web’s greatest annoyances, but at the same time, most of us want to hear videos coming from YouTube or Netflix. How do you mute one without the other? Fortunately, there are a couple of easy solutions available.