
  • The U.S. Is Dry, Dry, Dry

    The U.S. Is Dry, Dry, Dry

    A new map from the U.S. Drought Monitor shows vast areas of the Western, Southwestern, and Central U.S. in dark red and bright red, representing exceptional drought and extreme drought.

  • Decades-Old Body Emerges from Drought-Stricken Lake Mead

    Decades-Old Body Emerges from Drought-Stricken Lake Mead

    The skeletal remains of a human body were found inside of an old corroded barrel near the shores of Nevada’s Lake Mead over the weekend, as an ongoing drought sends water levels to troubling lows. Items found inside the barrel suggest this person, whose identity is unknown, may have died in the 1980s, the Associated…

  • NASA Warns That This Century Could See Crippling Droughts

    NASA Warns That This Century Could See Crippling Droughts

    This week, NASA published its most robust study of drought prediction — and the news isn’t good. Within the next century, the American southwest, and more regions across the world, could experience landscape-altering megadroughts due to rising carbon emissions and global warming.