
  • I Miss My First (and Only) Medium Format Camera

    I Miss My First (and Only) Medium Format Camera

    One of the most sickening sounds I have ever heard was the crunch when my just-purchased Mamiya 7 fell out of my passenger seat and onto the pavement outside the post office in Arroyo Seco, New Mexico. The blocky camera managed to neatly pirouette like Simone Biles off the seat, but unlike the GOAT of…

  • Retromodo. Bringing Back The Glory of Film

    In the latter half of the 20th century, photography technology entered a golden age. The age of the medium format camera. Mamiya. Bronica. Pentax. Few would argue the very pinnacle of design in this class of camera was the Hasselblad. So highly regarded was this maker’s cameras they were chosen by NASA to be taken…