google pay

  • Samsung and Mastercard Are Teaming Up On a Biometric Credit Card

    Samsung and Mastercard Are Teaming Up On a Biometric Credit Card

    Samsung and Mastercard are officially teaming up on a credit card with a built-in fingerprint scanner, Samsung announced on Thursday. These so-called “biometric cards” will come baked in with a “several key discrete chips” from Samsung’s side, and are planned to be compatible with any point of sale (POS) terminal, or any terminal that currently…

  • Google Pay Is Becoming As Dark As Your Money-Loving Heart

    Google Pay Is Becoming As Dark As Your Money-Loving Heart

    Several months back it was announced that the latest version of Android would be getting a system-wide dark mode. And for those of us who relish an online world of muted colours, there was much rejoicing. It’s set to drop any day now with the official release of the now-dubbed Android 10, and another app…