
  • Why McDonald’s Big Mac Sauce Tastes Like Tomato Sauce

    Why McDonald’s Big Mac Sauce Tastes Like Tomato Sauce

    Burger fans recognise the power of the special sauce, whipping up their own custom batches to recreate the savoury, delectable bite they know and love from their favourite burger chains. Usually, those sloppy creations mirror thousand island dressing: tomato sauce and mayonnaise, tomato sauce, relish and mayonnaise, tomato sauce, relish, mustard and mayonnaise, et cetera.…

  • How Pickles Got Caught Up In The Latest Health Fad

    For 15 years, pickle makers from across the US East Coast have gathered to celebrate brined vegetables at New York City’s Lower East Side Pickle Day. Last year, 30 thousand people squeezed in lines beside white tents that stretched over 400m. A word appeared on some of the sauerkraut tents: “Probiotic.” Several of the pickle…