
  • Here’s an Idea: Everyone Only Gets 100 Posts

    Here’s an Idea: Everyone Only Gets 100 Posts

    Like an abusive partner, Facebook has convinced us that we have no options and we’ll never be able to live without it. We had our chance with Ello, and we blew it, dumb fucks that we are. Now we’ve chained ourselves to harvesting content for Mark Zuckerberg until and after the day we die, to…

  • The Great Web 1.0 Revival

    The Great Web 1.0 Revival

    The booming size of today’s mainstream social networks and the constant level of noise we have to deal with has inspired a sudden return to a time when the internet was quieter, safer and more intimate: the Web 1.0 days. Like artisanal hipster nostalgia for a time when men were men, shoes were handmade, and…

  • Ello Experienced Its First DDoS Attack

    Ello Experienced Its First DDoS Attack

    Ello, the upstart social network that’s grown in massive popularity of the past week, is currently down. Whether for maintenance or more nefarious purposes, it isn’t outwardly explicit. According to its current status page, the site is investigating the cause but is leaning toward a possible denial of service (DDoS) attack.