
  • Night Swim Treads Water But Ultimately Sinks

    Night Swim Treads Water But Ultimately Sinks

    Night Swim is, undoubtedly, a film about a killer pool. If you want to see a movie about a pool trying to kill a whole lot of people, this is the movie for you. Beyond that though, it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly the movie wants to be. It’s not quite scary, but it can…

  • 9 Totally Nightmarish Imaginary Friends

    9 Totally Nightmarish Imaginary Friends

    Drop Dead Fred was released in May of 1991, meaning it’s now been shorthand for “imaginary friend out of control” for three decades. While not all imaginary friends in movies and TV are evil, a fair number of them (including these nine, who range from pesky to psychotic) do take advantage of their positions to make…