electronic frontier foundation

  • Why The FCC Can’t Actually Save Net Neutrality

    Why The FCC Can’t Actually Save Net Neutrality

    Network neutrality — the idea that internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data that travels over their networks equally — is a principle that EFF strongly supports. However, the power to enforce equal treatment on the internet can easily become the power to control the internet in less beneficent ways.

  • Exactly How The NSA Is Getting Away With Spying On US Citizens

    Exactly How The NSA Is Getting Away With Spying On US Citizens

    The Guardian published a new batch of secret leaked FISA court and NSA documents yesterday, which detail the particulars of how government has been accessing Americans’ emails without a warrant, in violation of the Constitution. The documents lay bare fundamental problems with the ineffectual attempts to place meaningful limitations on the NSA’s massive surveillance program.