
  • Most Dog Breeds Are Super Inbred, Study Finds

    Most Dog Breeds Are Super Inbred, Study Finds

    New research seems to confirm the idea that many of our cutest purebred pups are also burdened by their genetics. The study determined that most dog breeds have high levels of inbreeding. What’s more, this inbreeding can contribute to various health problems and expensive vet bills over time, particularly for larger dogs.

  • Dogs Can Tell When You’re Keeping Snacks From Them on Purpose, Study Suggests

    Dogs Can Tell When You’re Keeping Snacks From Them on Purpose, Study Suggests

    The average pooch may know when you’re choosing not to give them treats, new research from Germany suggests. The study found that dogs reacted differently when people withheld food from them intentionally or seemingly by accident, indicating that they could tell the difference. The findings could mean that dogs possess an aspect of cognition often…

  • Will We Ever Be Able to ‘Talk’ With Our Pets?

    Will We Ever Be Able to ‘Talk’ With Our Pets?

    We’re all familiar with the scene, either straight from the source or through one of thousands of parodies: Lassie bounds up to the farmhand and starts yipping; the farmhand says, “What is it, Lassie?”; Lassie keeps yipping; and eventually the farmhand deciphers, from this undifferentiated noise, some extremely specific message re: someone being trapped in…