dave clark

  • Amazon Could Run Out of U.S. Warehouse Workers to Wear Down by 2024

    Amazon Could Run Out of U.S. Warehouse Workers to Wear Down by 2024

    Amazon, the company notorious for its awful labour practices, is grinding through its potential workforce too fast, according to an internal company research memo leaked to and first reported on by Vox. “If we continue business as usual, Amazon will deplete the available labour supply in the US network by 2024,” said the document, according…

  • Trump and Lindell Should Fight Over Whose New Social Media Site Is Actually Real

    Trump and Lindell Should Fight Over Whose New Social Media Site Is Actually Real

    We’re jumping the gun on Hellfeed’s normally bi-weekly schedule — because dear lord, the last five days were something else. This week’s social media hellscape kicked off with news Donald Trump is investigating opening his own, presumably even more racist social media platform (uh-huh) before drunkenly veering everywhere to a beleaguered mega-ship clogging the bowels…