
  • What Happens When You Cook French Fries In Space

    What Happens When You Cook French Fries In Space

    Space is full of mysteries, but one in particular has been weighing on our minds lately: How’s the food up there? We’re taking a look at how space meals get made, the best astronaut food hacks, and the experiment that showed just where the best french fries in the galaxy would really be found.

  • Seeing Tomatoes Get Unsliced Is Really Bizarre

    Seeing Tomatoes Get Unsliced Is Really Bizarre

    Video: It has all the makings of those ASMR triggering videos we all love to feel on our scalp and spine but it’s also a little bit unsettling too since the whole video moves in reverse. We’re not watching a tomato get chopped up but rather seeing it get unsliced and that reversal of action…