
  • Sound Art Shows You What Musical Notes Actually Look Like

    Sound Art Shows You What Musical Notes Actually Look Like

    Sound is something of an ephemeral phenomenon, existing in the moment that vibrations travel through the air.Those vibrations also exhibit distinct patterns, depending on frequency, which can be visualised by scattering a fine dust over a vibrating plate. This was the inspiration for Resonantia, an album whose catalogue features photographs that capture those distinctive patterns…

  • The Penalty For Pairing A GTX 1060 Or RX 480 With An Old CPU

    It’s always easier to replace a video card than it is a CPU and motherboard, so it’s not surprising to find people with a GTX 1060 or RX 480 surrounded by comparatively ancient components. These setups are sacrificing some performance by bottle-necking their GPU, sure, but exactly how much is going to waste?

  • 5 Of The Best TED Talks Ever, According To Its Curator

    If you’d rather spend your downtime soaking up new ideas than ending up stage 5 couch potato in front of The Bachelor, then there’s no doubt you’re a fan of TED. TED (or Technology, Entertainment and Design) began in 1984 as a conference to cover all topics – from science to business to global issues…