
  • 12 of the Weirdest X-Plane Designs

    12 of the Weirdest X-Plane Designs

    X-planes are a class of experimental aircraft designed to test and demonstrate new innovations in flight—some were created for NASA, others for DARPA or the U.S. military. The first X-plane, X-1, was flown by Chuck Yeager in the 1940s and was the first craft to fly faster than the speed of sound. Over the decades,…

  • Trek to the Stars With October’s Most Compelling Spaceflight Images

    Trek to the Stars With October’s Most Compelling Spaceflight Images

    From capturing precious asteroid samples and exploring volcanic moons to navigating mysterious toxic blobs and portraying fictional Space Force battles, October was a captivating month in spaceflight and space exploration, as these images attest. Canadian author L.M. Montgomery once wrote, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” Indeed, it is…

  • Beyond SpaceX: The Rising Stars of the Rocket Industry

    Beyond SpaceX: The Rising Stars of the Rocket Industry

    While traditional giants like Northrop Grumman and United Launch Alliance continue to contribute to space exploration with decades of experience, a new wave of ambitious and pioneering companies is rising. Over the past two decades, space exploration has shifted from being a government-dominated endeavour to one that increasingly includes significant private-sector participation and innovation. For…