
  • Make Dungeons and Dragons 2, You Cowards

    Make Dungeons and Dragons 2, You Cowards

    Fans have been trained to expect the worst from Hollywood adaptations. Anytime something you love is announced as the next mega blockbuster, your heart sinks. Surely, they’re going to screw it up and ruin your childhood. Which is what happens 90% of the time. But that 10% of the time? When Hollywood doesn’t screw it…

  • Watch 2 Terminators Transform in Front of Your Eyes

    Watch 2 Terminators Transform in Front of Your Eyes

    When is a piece of art better than another piece of art? When it’s two pieces in one. That’s the theme of “Transitions,” the latest show by pop culture artist Cuyler Smith. Smith is best known for turning sports movies into trading cards, but in recent months he’s become interested in lenticular prints and has…