
  • 2018’s Best Selling Books On Amazon Australia

    2018’s Best Selling Books On Amazon Australia

    Amazon Australia recently released its 2018 consumer trends report, and one thing definitely stood out – Aussies love to read. If you are looking for a Christmas gift, or simply want to delve into a new book for yourself – these are the titles that your fellow mates have been into this year. Spoiler Alert:…

  • Audible’s New ‘Clips’ Are Like GIFs For Soundbites

    Ever wanted to share a beautiful moment read by your favourite narrator? Nick Offerman, for example, talking about the importance of canoe crafting? (It’s a thing, trust me). Well, we’ve got memes, Vines, GIFs and now when it comes to sharing bit-sized content online you can share audio with Audible’s new sharing tool, ‘Clips’.