
  • Incognito Mode Does Not Help You Find Cheap Flights

    Incognito Mode Does Not Help You Find Cheap Flights

    Booking flights is an unfortunately stressful part of a relaxing vacation. The internet is full of tips and tricks on how to make it cheaper. One of the most pervasive “tricks” is to use incognito mode when searching for your flights to get a cheaper ticket. You wouldn’t be crazy for believing it, but this…

  • How Contrails Are Aviation’s Biggest Threat to the Environment

    How Contrails Are Aviation’s Biggest Threat to the Environment

    It would be easy to assume that the commercial aviation industry’s fuel consumption was its biggest impact on the environment. For example, a Boeing 737-800 burns about 2,268 kg of fuel an hour in the sky. However, research shows that persistent contrails play a much larger role. An eight-year-long study found that contrails created 57…