James Whitbrook

  • An Ode to the Doctor Who Hand Pose

    An Ode to the Doctor Who Hand Pose

    David Tennant’s Doctor is very big on hands. Well, most biped humanoids, Time Lords included, are quite keen on having all their limbs. But remember the sword fight in “Christmas Invasion”? Remember the fighting hand? Remember how he grew a whole other version of himself out of that hand four years later? But, most importantly,…

  • Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary Celebrations Begin November 26

    Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary Celebrations Begin November 26

    It’s been a long time coming—especially so for a Time Lord. The BBC and Disney have now officially confirmed that Doctor Who’s trio of anniversary specials will begin airing from November 25, kicking off three weeks of new adventures in time and space. The three episodes will drop weekly starting from Saturday November 26, with…