How To Access The Secret Pinball Game In Google’s iPhone App

How To Access The Secret Pinball Game In Google’s iPhone App

So it turns out there’s a sneaky Easter Egg built into the Google app for iOS. Here’s how to access it.

The Easter Egg itself is a very cute pinball-meets-Brick-Breaker game built into the app. Colourful shapes falls from the top of the screen and get smaller the more you hit them with your pinball.

It’s not entirely clear when this Easter Egg went live. Redditors only picked up on it over the past few weeks, and the same goes for YouTube. But it could have been kicking around for much longer.

It also seems like it only works on iOS devices, sorry Android users.

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How to access the Google pinball game on iPhone

If you too would like to partake, first make sure you have the Google app on your iOS device.

Next, open it and go to ‘tabs’ and make sure you don’t have any open. If you wait for a little bit the colourful shapes should start appearing from the bottom of your screen. Swipe up and the game will boot.

If you need more visual instructions, heres’s a YouTube video to help:

It’s certainly a cute way to waste a bit of time. Good luck and have fun!