Lego’s Giant R2-D2 Is, of Course, the Droid You’ve Been Looking For

Lego’s Giant R2-D2 Is, of Course, the Droid You’ve Been Looking For

In a few weeks, just in time for unofficial Star Wars holiday May the Fourth, everyone’s favourite R2 unit will join Lego’s line of giant, adult-targeted kits. This 12-inch droid is made up of over 2,300 bricks and has a lot more going on than just looking good.

According to Lego, the set includes “a retractable mid-leg, rotating head, opening and extendable front hatches, a periscope that can be pulled up and turned, and Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber hidden in a compartment in the head.” It also comes with a plaque and a tiny Lego Artoom as a sort of mini-me.

About the only things missing are the jets Artoo used to burn those battle droids alive in Revenge of the Sith (which is fine) and the tray of drinks he used to serve the denizens of Jabba’s Sail Barge (which is a bit more disappointing) while plotting to murder them all with Luke.

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It’s not the first time Lego has made a big R2-D2 — there was one nearly a decade ago — but this is definitely the best-looking and the fanciest. The set will run you $329.99, which isn’t bad as far as high-end Lego collector’s kits go, and will be available on May 1 here.