Zack Snyder Delivers a New Justice League Clip and Fancy Tom Waits Music Video

Zack Snyder Delivers a New Justice League Clip and Fancy Tom Waits Music Video

If there’s anything Zack Snyder is known for it’s breezy and lighthearted takes on classic tales, and this new original clip from Justice League is no exception.

[referenced id=”1661946″ url=”” thumb=”×169.png” title=”Zack Snyder Sees His Justice League Cut As an Alternate Branch of DC’s Movieverse” excerpt=”And it’s a branch that, as far as Snyder’s concerned, he’s too busy to explore right now.”]

Set to the sunny sounds of the Tom Waits song “Time,” the clip — called The Mother Box Origins — features the Justice League members depicted on the side of Mother Boxes. Snyder debuted the clip at IGN FanFest this weekend.

“I doodled all those. There’s a million Easter eggs in it, and if you go look there’s storylines that I had been working on that if the film had been continued or if you look at the past histories, there’s a bunch of little details in there for everybody,” he said during the panel. “It’s really worth taking a long slow look at because it’s really fun, and I think for fans it’s really a treat.”

Spot the Easter eggs, then lie down and take a rest. Tom Waits takes it out of me.