Keanu Reeves’ Graphic Novel BRZRKR Is Getting A Netflix Adaptation

Keanu Reeves’ Graphic Novel BRZRKR Is Getting A Netflix Adaptation

It is a great day when a new Keanu Reeves project is announced and friends, today is that day. What’s more? Reeves will be starring in an adaptation of a comic of his own making!

Deadline reports that Netflix has secured the rights to BRZRKR, a comic book published by BOOM! Studios and created by the one and only Mr Reeves.

What on Earth is BRZRKR?

Keanu Reeves’ many talents apparently include writing comic books. Last year he teamed up with co-writer Matt Kindt and Marvel artist Ron Garney to create BRZRKR, a comic with a name that looks like a cat walked over your keyboard.

The 12-issue limited comic series is about an immortal warrior who does dangerous jobs for the U.S. government in exchange for the truth about his blood-soaked existence.

The comic was actually crowdfunded on Kickstarter, garnering more than $1.4 million in funding. The first issue launched at the beginning of March and has sold over 615,000 copies.

What else do we know about BRZRKR? Apparently, the Berzerker is a half-mortal half-God who is cursed and compelled to violence. He also has a good sense of humour and speaks multiple languages!

This immortal warrior also happens to look a hell of a lot like Keanu Reeves, so it makes sense he’ll also be taking up the mantle in the Netflix version.

When can I watch it on Netflix?

The BRZRKR adaptation was literally just announced so it’ll be a little while before we see it on Netflix. Plus Keanu Reeves is a bit busy filming things like The Matrix 4 and John Wick 4.

The good news is that when BRZRKR does arrive, there’ll be plenty of it. Netflix plans to adapt the comic into a live-action feature film first and follow up with an anime spin-off series. Reeves will star as the Berzerker in both versions and is also attached as a producer alongside Ross Richie, Stephen Christy and Stephen Hamel.

It’s safe to say Netflix is pretty excited about its new project if this little interaction on Twitter is anything to go by.

While you wait for BZRKR, go and enjoy yourself with a selection of Keanu’s greatest films brought to you by the team here at Gizmodo.