This Family Spent Quarantine Recreating The Dinner Party Scene From Beetlejuice

This Family Spent Quarantine Recreating The Dinner Party Scene From Beetlejuice

OK, all of us spending most of our time at home are getting a bit stir crazy. Some of us cope by getting depressed, sleeping a lot, and watching garbage on TV. Some of us, well, we start reenacting movie scenes.

YouTuber Gelsey Laurie and her father have taken the latter route, spending their time creating famous musical film sequences in the claustrophobic comfort of their own home. The highlight of their work? A playful, two-person reenactment of the scene in Beetlejuice where restless ghosts hijack a dinner party. All to the musical stylings of Henry Belafonte.

The cover act is incredibly charming, matching the film perfectly and showing a lot of creativity and playfulness on the part of Laurie and her father. It is, if nothing else, a lot more creative than anything I’ve done in quarantine. And it’s a reminder that Beetlejuice was actually a lot of morbid fun.

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The duo has tackled other iconic moments, too; the Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show and a song from Mary Poppins, to name a couple. But this one is my favourite, and, while not enough to motivate me to do anything more interesting with my quarantine, is certainly helping me stay entertained during it.