This Avengers Vs X-Men Movie Trailer Is Much Too Good To Be True

Video: In the far flung future of a decade or so from now, where Marvel throws a money avalanche at Fox to get access to the cinematic rights for their mutant superheroes, we’ll probably get a pretty fun Avengers and X-Men crossover. For now, though, we’ll have to make do with this delightful fan-made mash-up.

The trailer comes from YouTuber Alex Luthor, and draws on footage from all over the past decade and a half of superhero films, everything from the original X-Men trilogy, to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s litany of movies and, yes, all three cinematic incarnations of Spider-Man. (Seriously, if this was a real movie Spidey would go through, like, five costume changes.)

It’s really well done, and the action is merged in some surprisingly clever ways to blend all the disparate films into one cohesive trailer. But really, it’s nice to just watch and wonder what might be if Marvel and Fox ever make a deal over these movie rights.
