Video: Hands-On With The Massive Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Is it worth getting the iPhone 6 Plus over the iPhone 6? Just how big is it, and does that extra screen real estate really pay off? Let our video hands-on of the iPhone 6 Plus help you decide!

The iPhone 6 Plus is powered by the 1.4GHz dual core Apple A8 processor, which (according to Apple), consumes 25 per cent less battery while still cranking out more grunt.

You get a 5.5-inch Retina HD LED screen which packs in 1920×1080 pixels (that’s 401 pixels per inch). The screen is gorgeous, and it’s also super-bright and the contrast is off the chain. The screen glass (not the screen itself, mind) is edge-to-edge and curved beautifully, which encourages you to use nifty swipe gestures built into iOS 8.

iOS 8 is really trying to take advantage of this larger screen size by prompting you to go big with your fonts and icons on set-up, and educating you on how you can make things look bigger and better after you start using the device.

The larger screen size also allows you to take advantage of a new landscape viewing mode that looks awesome on the larger iPhone 6 Plus.

The only weird thing to note about the camera is that the lens itself now juts out from the otherwise svelte phone body. It’s a sapphire lens hood which will prevent it from being scratched, and it’s encircled in stainless steel to keep everything safe.

We’re loving this new big screen iPhone. It’s been a long time coming. Check out our full review right here.

Tune in later in the week for more videos!