‘Sex Tape’ Is A NSFW Hollywood Comedy Where The Cloud Is The Bad Guy

The cloud is confusing. Especially for Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel in the new movie Sex Tape, where they have to get their amorous recording off the cloud before their friends, family and workmates see it. It should go without saying, that the NSFW trailer is incredibly NSFW.

Yes. It’s NSFW. We’ve said that a few times now so you’ll listen.

The worst thing about this trailer isn’t the plot. It actually looks like a few crude laughs could be had here and there. The worst part is the awful Hollywood screenshots and UIs all the laptops and iPads are using. Seriously, an iPad uploading a video automatically using OS X Leopard loading bars? Sigh.

It’s worth watching just to hear Jason Segel describe the cloud as a “f*cking mystery”.