This R2-D2 Rug Would Look Great In The Emperor’s Throne Room

I don’t know why Pottery Barn only sells this lovely graphic print R2-D2 rug on their ‘Kids’ site. I would happily put one in every room of my home, and I suspect I’m not alone.

But Pottery Barn probably realises this too. So they actually sell the pure wool rug — dyed blue and grey with a simple graphic print of R2-D2 — in three different sizes. A 3′ X 5′ version for $US129, a 5′ X 7′ version for $US300, and a $US600 8′ X 10′ version that should suitably cover most of the floor in a smaller room.

Now I’m not going to lie to you, having one of these in your bedroom is still going to brand you a geek. But it’s certainly a stylish step up from the Star Wars-themed bedding you grew up with. [Pottery Barn Kids via Nerd Approved]