Not Really A Gadget Post, But…

So it’s not really a gadget post, but the CMS is telling me that this is my 2,000th story for Gizmodo since I took on the AU editor role back in January last year. So as completely self indulgent as this is, here are my five most-read posts out of my first 2,000. Ahh, the memories…

At number five: The Biggest Mo-Fo Of A Printer I’ve Ever Seen
With 23,055 pageviews, it seems you lot like big printers. I spotted this one in Hong Kong at a regional HP event. It looked like it could hurt somebody…

At number four: PlayTV To Launch In Oz 4th Quarter 08, Sub-$200
Bwahahahahahaha! Yeah right! 4th Quarter 08, hey? Sony reckon they’re still on track for a Q4 ‘09 launch for the PlayTV. I do reckon it’s coming though, even if it is teetering on the edge of vapourware status. This one had 23,464 pageviews.

Number three: Australian Company Launches The World’s Smallest Pocket Projector
24,944 pageviews showed that you guys were interested in this, but somehow I don’t reckon they sold anywhere near that number…

Number two: Exclusive: Optus iPhone Pricing Details (Update: Optus iPhone Pricing Details ‘Wrong’
It was a crazy time. Everyone was starving for iPhone pricing details. Everyone was starving for any iPhone information. So this story went through the roof, even though the details weren’t exactly correct. 40,972 pageviews.

And number one: Vodafone Puts iPhone Pricing Online, Then Pulls It Down
I’m glad this has been my biggest story out of my first 2,000. Just like number two, everyone was hanging out for a pricing announcement, and we got it before Voda was 100% happy with their offering. 46,058 Pageviews for this one.

So that’s it. Here’s to the next 2,000 posts!