Breakfast Wrap: Best Of Thursday Night

Here’s a completely random factoid: Jess from Defamer AU and I are old school mates. She’s based in Melbourne though, so I hadn’t seen her for ages. But we caught up for a beer last night, and it was just like old times. The end. Now, back to gadgets:
PS3 v2.70 Firmware Available Now, Brings In-Game Chat, External Video Storage
I’m still waiting for some really cool firmware update with a feature I can’t live without.

iPhone 3.0 Beta Jailbroken, QuickPWN Up For Download
They don’t waste any time, do they?

New Palm Pre Promo Vid Shows Fandango, Pandora Apps; Multitasking Galore
It’s looking pretty sweet. Come on Palm, when will we see it here in Oz?

Star Wars Pool Inflatables Impress Princess Leia (Bikini Version)
If you wish you were 10 again so you could play with this without fear of judgement, you are not alone.

Google Finally Declassifies Some Key Server Design Secrets
99.9% efficiency? That’s insane!

Giz Explains: Why Mobile Phone Reception Still Sucks
We need to unlock the ESP chip in our brains, I reckon. Come on science, don’t let me down again.