Breakfast Wrap: Best of Monday Night

breakfast-pancakes.jpgThe Dream iPhone Pro
A concept, but I’d be fascinated to know what you guys think – I don’t like it myself… I think it’s just a little bit overboard…

NYT: Text Messages Are an Even Bigger Ripoff Than You Thought
Damn phone companies ripping us all off.

Dog-Powered Vehicles Force Man’s Best Friend Into Manual Labour
If you buy this, you are a douche. Just walk with your dog already.

Bestmodo 2008

The best gadgets of 2008… what did we miss?

CCTV to Spy Four Year Old Kids at School
Seriously? Britain, pull your head out of backside… four year old kids do not need to be monitored on CCTV.

Planetary Gear Business Cards Will Get You Hired For Any Job
But you’ll need to be unemployed to find the time to make them…