Australia Day Long Weekend Wrap

Aussie flag.jpgHope you all had a great Australia Day Long Weekend. It’s what makes Australia great, isn’t it?
Here’s what you missed:

Amazon MP3 Service Going Global; Epic iTunes Battle on the Horizon
I’m pretty much lost for words here. So awesome!

Steampunk Nerf Weaponry
Wouldn’t childhood have been better with toys like this?

P-Per Cellphone concept is too perfect to be true
A phone that out-iPhones the iPhone? We need this to be made, now!

Bruketa and Zinic Pioneer the Book Baking Market
I roasted all my textbooks when I finished High School, but somehow I don’t think it’s the same thing here

How to Revive HD DVD: A $2.7million Super Bowl Ad!
History’s most painful format death just hurt us a little more. If only they’d die so we could get on with our own life. We need closure, dammit!