Cyborgs worrying our Federal Police Chief

Terminator-slim.jpgThankfully, it isn’t as embarrassing as it sounds.

When discussing the future of organised crime, Australian Federal Police (AFP) Chief Mick Keelty is clearly thinking seriously about what is in store for us in ‘the future’. So he’s not afraid to accept that criminals use serious tech faster than most of the community, and that in future this could move beyond online crime and into the realm of science-fiction. FTA:

“Our environmental scanning tells us that even with some of the cloning of human beings – not necessarily in Australia but in those countries that are going to allow it – you could have potentially a cloned part-person, part-robot,” he said.

“You could (also) have technology acting at the direction of a human being, but the human being being distanced considerably from the actual crime scene.”

Woah! When we start seeing headlines for cyborg bank heists, surely that’s going to be the same era we start hearing about masked men sweeping out of the sky to save the day. Bring on Supes!

Top cop predicts robot crimewave. [The Age]