Phone booths sans phones – good idea?

This photo from Copenhagen airport reflects many scenes I’ve seen locally and abroad in recent times. Where once there were public phones, now there are empty shells. Here at home, Telstra has a duty to provide payphones, and amongst their many fights with regulation they want to force other companies to share the burden of maintaining such phones (will everyone get a share of the ad revenue on the back?)

I think we should get booths specifically for people on phones to use. (1) It will give people somewhere a bit quieter to talk up a storm and (2) it might remind people that they should try and be a little discreet when talking up said storm. I know I’ve heard of this stuff OS – anyone know where these mobile phone booths are found?

And hey, if you’ve spotted any really good / crazy empty phone spots in your area, why not take a snap and send it in?

Landlines downhill [Pasta and Vinegar]