
  • Who Made The Rifle Emoji Disappear?

    Who Made The Rifle Emoji Disappear?

    Unicode 9.0, which will be out June 21, is one of the most highly anticipated releases in emoji history. Finally you will avail yourself of the need to type out the letters for avocado, bacon, selfie, face palm, and pregnant. But last month, one controversial emoji was removed from the lineup: Rifle.

  • What The Military Issue Rifle Is In Each Country Of The World

    What The Military Issue Rifle Is In Each Country Of The World

    Different strokes, different folks. Different guns, different countries. Here’s a map showing the military issue rifle for each country in the world. You’ll see familiar M4s, AK-47s, AK-74s, some M16s and tinkles of other weaponry. Judging by the map’s choice of colours, it seems to group weapons that are of a similar family together by…