gore verbinski

  • 8 Horror Movies to Watch After You Devour Archive 81

    8 Horror Movies to Watch After You Devour Archive 81

    An apartment building with ties to the occult. A person obsessed with a mystery they uncover in found footage. The blurring of media and reality. Surveillance and paranoia. The possibility of other dimensions! Netflix’s spooky series Archive 81 combines all of these elements, and it does it so well it’s no shocker it’s become a…

  • 8 M-Rated Horror Movies That Don’t Suck

    8 M-Rated Horror Movies That Don’t Suck

    Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is out in September in Australia, and like many Guillermo del Toro-affiliated projects, it contains monsters galore. It doesn’t appear to have an Aussie film rating just yet, but in the U.S., it’s rated PG-13, the rough equivalent of an M-rating. While some may consider this disappointing, there’s…