cervical cancer

  • Around One in Three Guys Have HPV

    Around One in Three Guys Have HPV

    Plenty of men worldwide are carrying the human papillomavirus, or HPV, research out this week has found. The study estimates that about one in three men currently have at least one strain of genital HPV, while one in five have a strain known to increase the risk of certain cancers in both men and women.…

  • The HPV Vaccine Is Already Dramatically Lowering Rates Of Cervical Disease

    The HPV Vaccine Is Already Dramatically Lowering Rates Of Cervical Disease

    A new study out Wednesday in the BMJ is the latest to showcase even the short-term benefits of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. It found that the routine vaccination of preteen girls in Scotland, starting in 2008, led to drastically lower rates of cervical disease by the time the girls turned 20. That included conditions…