
  • Daredevil Almost Misses The Water From 40 Metres Up

    Daredevil Almost Misses The Water From 40 Metres Up

    Video: I’m totally safe and sitting in front of a computer screen, and yet I’m sweating because watching this guy pull his crazy jumps from buildings is just not OK. This one is especially brutal because I really didn’t expect him to end up where he landed. He starts on the roof of the building…

  • This Drone Video Of Hong Kong Is Truly Spectacular

    This Drone Video Of Hong Kong Is Truly Spectacular

    Video: Because of the city’s history, unique geography, the towering buildings, the cramped quarters, all the greenery nearby and the water pushed up against the city, Hong Kong is a pretty magnificent place to photograph. Taking pictures of what’s above and what’s around and what’s below is always pretty to look at. This drone view…