
  • Now Twitter Is Just Screwing With Us

    Now Twitter Is Just Screwing With Us

    In the latest iOS update, Twitter killed the last feature that made the platform usable — the @-reply. Goodbye, “don’t @ me.” Hello, “literally can’t @ me.” Your replies to someone’s tweets no longer factor into character count, which is good, but removing the @ all together makes your feed look confusing as hell.

  • Watching Wacky Pizzas Get Baked Totally Melts My Mind

    Watching Wacky Pizzas Get Baked Totally Melts My Mind

    I don’t really think pizza needs any more toppings beyond some sauce (preferably marinara) and some cheese (preferably mozzarella) but if you’re one of those weirdos who enjoys silly things on their pizza like cauliflower, grapes, potatoes, and shrimp, you’re gonna love this video where ten wacky pizzas get baked right in front of you.…

  • Can You Find The Cat Taking A Nap On This Pile Of Wood?

    Can You Find The Cat Taking A Nap On This Pile Of Wood?

    Let’s play a game. Can you find the orange tabby cat that’s supposedly taking a nap on this pile of wood without going crazy? I say supposedly because for a good few minutes as I was looking for the cute little guy, I swore that the cat didn’t exist or that the cat has transformed…